if fuckin modern simpsons was actually animated like this, i'd genuinely sit through most of these episodes
if fuckin modern simpsons was actually animated like this, i'd genuinely sit through most of these episodes
This exudes so much style and personality. Great stuff goin on here. Love how sketchy the lines are too
Yo this is awesome. Can't believe i haven't heard of this till now. Love the art style and overall atmosphere
thats very sweet, thank you!
Holy shit that was amazing. Honestly had me on the edge of my seat just seein where it'd go next and that final payoff sold me completely.
The worldbuilding and character design is super interesting and left me wantin so much more of this premise. Great job dude!
this is the most entertainin story bout a printin press that i've ever heard.
Also love how much mileage u can get out of well presented storyboard/animatics. Made the story that much more enjoyable
Me like too much
bringin back fuckin nightmares bein scoped by these charger cunts.
Seriously tho, great short. Pretty much exudes every bit of charm that the series is all bout. [Chaos and loud screamin included]
Darkstalkers fuckin DESERVES a comeback after so long. Awesome tribute guys. Hope we get more shit from capcom in the near future
hell yea
Love the entire presentation across the board. The artstyle especially coupled with the SFX and animation of the ear worm really sell the creepy, oppressive atmosphere. Also loved how you managed to achieve this using traditional materials and techniques too. Massive props all round!
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19