cute as hell. Love the lightning-fast pace and the choppy animation style, really sells the impact when it needs to
cute as hell. Love the lightning-fast pace and the choppy animation style, really sells the impact when it needs to
Holy shit this is genuinely my fav fuckin thing I've seen all week. Everything was on point. I want this to be a full series someday cos this has so much goddamn potential to shine here on newgrounds. Jokes had me laughin the whole way through, comedic timing was pretty much perfect and this art style kicks so much arse while being super charming and goofy too. Pls man, ur a fuckin legend for this. Keep it up dude and hope to see more down the line!!
Cool wizard's a mad lad
This spastic humour is right up my alley
fair enough
next NG mascot pls guys
Honestly didn't know what to expect from dis.
Glad I went in blind tho
theres somethin oddly charming bout this art style and delivery. Nice job mate
Thank you!
yo this looks amazing. Def wanna see where it goes. Lookin forward to it when it comes out!
Dude want more of this asap. Absolutely stellar stuff mate
The father-daughter storyline I might actually give a shit bout nowadays.
Def wanna see where this goes. Looks pretty sweet so far and hope to see more
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19