Phallic comedy is the ONLY comedy that fuckin matters.
Phallic comedy is the ONLY comedy that fuckin matters.
This is fuckin fantastic. Love the entire vibe goin on here. Tankman has never looked so chill just drivin round the wasteland and playin tunes. Love seein more laidback, chill music video-esque type animations lately so this is a real treat.
Yo, this is great. Really lookin forward to where this passion project goes next. All the best for next episode!
The set up and pay off for this is pretty great. The thing I probs love the most is the voice-acting, pretty dang spot on and fit the characters well. Great stuff all round.
Also Bowser bein the chillest dad, not mindin his kid jackin it to a static JPG on the famicom, no less. Even if it is gay, faggot shit. Nonetheless, a sweet dad n' son bonding experience so no harm, no foul
Watched this years ago on youtube and loved it. Watching it again and goddamn its still just as great as it was back then. Hope we somehow get more of this overall concept eventually down the line
That very last segment fucked me right up dude. Genuinely was laughin my arse off for a straight 3 minutes, the delivery itself was perfect. Thanks a ton for this
Ayo saw this on Youtube a while back, so it's sweet finally watching this again on ol' NG. Great stuff here, got me all nostalgic for classic Looney tunes too. Love ur work man!!
I wish to also lick some cream off a spoon with Tobey in the background, looming over my very presence.
Jesus, this was perfectly bizarre. Great job
Pretty much every Newgrounder's dream. This is fantastic mate. Awesome job on all fronts
YO, this concept and artstyle kicks so much arse. Think we've all felt this shit at some point.
Also title's pretty on point. Would love to see more of this guy's life in general tbh.
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19