There’s a lotta of real potential here that can elevate this to something super special that I can already see from how well put together this pilot is. However, as many people have said already, there is a lack of a connective throughline for what the audience should care about given how little we know about these characters and the world-building. Again, given how this is only the pilot, things can only go up from here but there is something to be said about giving contrast to the senseless violence with something of real substance that the audience can latch onto. Comedic violence for the sake of it can be entertaining and fun, but unless there is something else that either supports it, contrasts that provide a more interesting variable for comedy and/or drama or just some sort of twist on the running gag/cliche of “something cute also being a psycho murderer” then it can very easily and quickly become stale and lack the impact/intent you are going for.
Overall tho, fairly solid pilot that can definitely be improved as it goes on, so I’m excited to see where it goes from here. Love the art style [Always a fan of line boil] and the designs are simple but appealing and get the job done. SFX are a lacking in impact a lil during fight scenes, but that can be fixed over time. Overall, keep up the great work and hope to see more from you in the near future.