This is so fuckin sick. Great composition and vibe all round
This is so fuckin sick. Great composition and vibe all round
Yo these are all so rad. Were these scanned in from your physical sketchbook cos the quality is pretty clean. Def would love more sketchbook uploads if you can
this is amazing. Love how grotesque this looks while still lookin tangible in a sense. Great job mate
just found ur stuff recently man and it is so fuckin rad as all hell. Love everything bout ur style, colour palette and perspective cos it all meshes together in such a cool way
this show had some of the best run cycles ever. Was fuckin hilarious to watch while also expressing so much personality and distinctive silhouettes for every character. What a good arse show
Thank you for doin ur own take on these 'what coulda been' characters. Love both your interpretations but goddamn wadaisy [Or waisy?/Princess Yucca? A type of green, spiky plant] looks fuckin awesome. Def wanna see more unique and out there designs for rival princesses.
Yo if this ain't key art for a hypothetical game it def needs to be at some point. Love the colours and framing on this. Does this character have a name or backstory? Def wanna see more of this if possible
His name is Orin and yeh he's a character for a story I'd either like to make a game/comic about. I haven't shared much about the story though.
we need a new tankman series pronto
this is perfect. I can hear this shit through my goddamn screen
Yo love how fuckin visceral this looks. The pose, facial expression and the sword/rapier designs are on point and that split down the ribcage is fucking hardcore. Seein this on a print/poster or on a shirt would be awesome
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19