Give the lad a fuckin break. This is his next meal
Give the lad a fuckin break. This is his next meal
This kicks ass. Love the pose, facial expression and the blood drippin from her forehead. Lighting also sells this a ton too. Great stuff man
Mario lore goes hella deep with these guys
Love Frye but team rock all da way, baby
dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty dress booty
Love ur art style, man. You def did agent 3 justice with the facial expression and the colours
Jesus, how the fuck r u dudes so quick with this?!
Either way, this is awesome. Can honestly see the devs doin this for some kinda loading screen or something
This looks fuckin kick ass. Good job man
Hours of playin Spl00n 2 have conditioned me to love these 2 goobers. Love the vibrant colours, poses and facial expressions, [Especially Pearl's] Really damn happy they're both comin back for Spl00n 3 and hope they flesh out more of the world-building and characters and their development/backstory when it comes to the whole lore ordeal, cos goddamn does this series have some fuckin sweet ass lore.
Also love the tiny Callie n' Marie in the corners there.
Yo this is super neat. Always loved watercolour painted backgrounds with wispy, delicate brushstrokes and those greens mixed in with the teal in the back is very inviting. Great job man
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19