This is fuckin perfection. Love your style man. The way this whole ballistic argument is depicted and animated is honestly amazing
The water person mannerisms are in full force here
This is fuckin perfection. Love your style man. The way this whole ballistic argument is depicted and animated is honestly amazing
The water person mannerisms are in full force here
This is still one of my most fav Oneyplays animateds ever.
Chris' voice acting/impressions are fuckin spot on every bloody time
Remakin' your childhood in the best goddamn way possible. Thank you man. You're a fuckin legend and all the best goin forward
Holy shit, this is absolutely amazing. I love that you went out of your way to do this but I can tell that it was from a place of pure passion. Don't get me wrong, I love digital hand made animation, but you just can't beat the OG traditional cel animation that started everything off.
Would love to see more stuff from you in the future!
This rocks my key shaped cock dude.
Nah but seriously, we want a full series of this man, This is some good shit right here
genuinely glad this wasn't blammed. Thanks guys
this scratches a very good part of tha brain. Thanks man
This kicks so much arse. Great stuff dude
This was fuckin amazing. Had me dyin the whole way through. Huge props to u man!!
YOOOOOO this is genuinely one of the best pico day submissions ever. Every bit of frame and the SFX fuckin sell the amazing history this site has to offer since the glory days and even till now. Amazing Warioware parody too that hits ALL the right notes in my pea sized brain.
All n all, a glorious fuckin tribute to NG as a whole. Massive props to everyone involved!!!
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19