Keepin the spirit of this series alive. Saw this years ago but just now got around to finally watching the whole thing. Man i wish this concept was taken further cos this style is genuinely timeless
Keepin the spirit of this series alive. Saw this years ago but just now got around to finally watching the whole thing. Man i wish this concept was taken further cos this style is genuinely timeless
love how kinda down to earth this feels in a goofy kinda way. Voice acting and dialogue sold it personally
yo love how this is animated. Honestly only gripe is i wish it was longer so things could be fleshed out a lil more. But i dunno maybe that'd fuck with the comedic timing or somethin. Either way, this was a great short and hopin more is done with this premise in the future
everyone and their MILF has said it but this is still one of the best showcases for the game ever. Short n sweet but it captures everything u need to know bout the tone, motivations and characters
love the urusei yatsura one. Ur style honestly captures that shows aesthetic perfectly
yo this looks kickass. Love the 80s vintage mech anime vibe its got goin on, especially with the soundtrack so far. Def lookin forward to this when it comes out
got no context for whatever the fuck is goin on here but I still laughed my cock off
also usin EEnE sfx is an auto 5 stars
this looks super promising! Love the artstyle and character designs alot too. Def gonna be keepin up with this as it goes
pretty lel epicco dud
fella doesn't comprehend: Talk shit, get spit and takin a hit that caves ur whole dang face in.
Honestly tho great short. Love the back n forth between em and how quickly shit escalated
Just a retarded, horndog gr0nk who loves drawing shit that I like. Newgrounds is THE fuckin shit tho. Wouldn't ever be who I am today without it.
Huge props to all the artists here who pretty much shaped my entire childhood, so thanks.
PS: Fuck u cunt:)
Leg n' Thigh Zealot
caved-in ditch
Joined on 2/25/19